Have you signed up to Audit Shield yet? 

With the IRD continually undertaking more reviews and audits it is important to consider this.

Your GST or Tax Return that IRD select to review is likely to be 100% correct but that won’t stop the IRD asking questions of you. 

If you get questions from the IRD, it is our recommendation that you ask us to respond in the most appropriate manner (so that you do not inadvertently tell them something they don’t need to know and spark more questions). Once that happens you are up for a fee cost, which could very easily grow to $1,500 to $2,000 or more depending upon the complexity of the question and its answers.

This is a very annoying cost and probably totally unnecessary, but this is where the Audit Shield policy kicks in; the insurer pays our fee, the IRD go away happy, we are happy as we got paid for the work done and you are happy as the IRD went away with no cost to you - win/win/win.

It is not too late to join the scheme for this year. Please contact Nicola and she will make it happen for you - nicola@bennettsproactive.co.nz.

We are absolutely certain you will not regret that decision!


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